A rare quilt is viewable online right now, but it's for sale so take a peek while you can. It is a quilt of redwork blocks depicting the kidnapping of the Lindbergh's baby in 1932. There are 20 blocks beginning with an outline stitch of lucky Lindy and the next of his wife Ann. Another block is a depictions of men going up a ladder on the outside of their house, and other original designs telling the story of this famous kidnapping.
This quilt is an example of folk art in the truest sense of the word, no pattern is known, and it was made by an interested anonymous embroiderer and quilter who lived in the county where the trial was held, Hunterdon County NJ. What a piece of Americana this is!
I know the owner of this piece and she has had it in her private collection for a long time. She is a reliable reporter and honest dealer. I am not involved in this sale, just sharing the news of the views with you.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Houston Quilt Festival 2007 & Project Runway
Hurry- only on line until the end of November are 3 videocasts (aka vidcasts) of special quilt exhibits at Houston Quilt Festival;Amish and "English" Quilts, The Quilt of Belonging, and A Sense of Place from SAQA
They are all wonderful. A really nice opportunity for those of us not able to make it in person. Thank you Karey and Bonnie Lyn McCaffery.
There will be more vidcasts on Bonnie's website, bonniemccaffery.com after Dec. 1. In fact Bonnie offers other vidcasts on a regular basis, interviews, how-tos, and events. She is a very good teacher on the vidcast and in person! I enjoyed a lovely dinner with her in Ashville, NC while teaching there last Spring. Esterita Austin was with us too. Her work is recognized by the gorgeous quilts on black grounds with colored stones going up or down stairs and through arched doors. Terry, as she likes to be called, is a trained painter and she uses these principles in her fabric art. Be sure to watch her vidcast with Bonnie that is on Bonnie's website now.
This evening is the 3rd night of Project Runway and from the ads it looks like it will be unique to say the least. Enjoy! I would love to receive your comments afterward.
I think they made the best choice last week, but had that outfit actually worked out as drawn, it would have been a very cool addition to Sara Jessica Parker's line I think.
They are all wonderful. A really nice opportunity for those of us not able to make it in person. Thank you Karey and Bonnie Lyn McCaffery.
There will be more vidcasts on Bonnie's website, bonniemccaffery.com after Dec. 1. In fact Bonnie offers other vidcasts on a regular basis, interviews, how-tos, and events. She is a very good teacher on the vidcast and in person! I enjoyed a lovely dinner with her in Ashville, NC while teaching there last Spring. Esterita Austin was with us too. Her work is recognized by the gorgeous quilts on black grounds with colored stones going up or down stairs and through arched doors. Terry, as she likes to be called, is a trained painter and she uses these principles in her fabric art. Be sure to watch her vidcast with Bonnie that is on Bonnie's website now.
This evening is the 3rd night of Project Runway and from the ads it looks like it will be unique to say the least. Enjoy! I would love to receive your comments afterward.
I think they made the best choice last week, but had that outfit actually worked out as drawn, it would have been a very cool addition to Sara Jessica Parker's line I think.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Creative lives
"For many of us, our artists [within our self] have been waiting to speak with us for years...We are spiritual beings and when our spirit grows larger; so must we. There will be no comfortable resting in yesterday's definition of ourselves."
Julia Cameron
Walking in this World: The Practical Art of Creativity
How often do you push the limits of your quilt making? When was the last time you read a quilt history book? Do you prefer to use a pattern or make up your own design? Do you prefer to buy a collection of fabric, or pick and chose each piece individually? Are you a traditional quilter who has never taken an art quilt class? Have you ever read a pioneer quilter's biography about her years on the plains and tried, really spent time, imagining living that life yourself? When was the last time you went to an antique quilt exhibit that wasn't part of a quilt show?
When your world seems small, stretch yourself; call out your inner artist or curious historian. Who knows where that will take you.
Here you will meet a fearless artist, who will go far in her art, and might even win this competition. Her voice isn't perfect, but her heart and soul are in her art. The quilts we make, just like those made by pioneers, will not be perfect, but they can be a voice for our heart and soul.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Project Runway's Debut
The first night of season 4 on Project Runway did not disappoint. The cast of 15 seem well suited to a show about designing clothing in cramped quarters with 14 other creative competitors. The dynamics are ripe for some good dialogue and interesting designs.
Even though I liked Simone because of her interest in vintage clothes and antique inspired textiles, I think booting her was the right choice in this first challenge, darn it. Her runner-up, who made the dress that dragged another few dresses behind it, at least could sew well and had good color sense. That dress looked fab from the front.
I am wondering if there have been others changes in the show due to the fact that Tim is no longer employed by the school of Parsons. If you noticed, they have changed their living quarters and design and sewing room, and the first competition was different.
Bluefly.com appears to be a new sponsor, while Tres Somme and L'Oreal continue their sponsorship. Tim looks and acts the same. Heidi is beautiful and perky as always, and not pregnant, currently.
The main judges returned and are well matched to their job now more than before. They are entiwined with it now, they have found their spot in the system and they seem to enjoy it more, in my humble opinion. Throughout the seasons they have made some good points and offered useful criticism, but at times they can be hard and/or blind. There are times when what they think is hip is too far out, and what I think is stunning makes them yawn. Know what I mean? Inviting a new judge for each round is smart; it balances out the group and makes this part of the show less predicatble! Plus I like seeing and hearing from famous designers in the raw, outside of their usual environment, giving their personal opinion. I imagine it means quite a lot to the contestants too, assuming they agree with the opin offered.
BTW, if you haven't heard Seal's new CD, System
, it is terrific! Heidi Klume sings their wedding song with him briefly in a duet. Her voice is pretty, different than her speaking voice, it is soft and probably electronically modified. I find Seal's first CD, Seal
, to be so fantastic, it is unbeatable. His new one, "System," is excellent nonetheless. If you feel like moving, it's dance or exercise music from the first song to the end.
Piece to you and those you sew, design or quilt with!
Even though I liked Simone because of her interest in vintage clothes and antique inspired textiles, I think booting her was the right choice in this first challenge, darn it. Her runner-up, who made the dress that dragged another few dresses behind it, at least could sew well and had good color sense. That dress looked fab from the front.
I am wondering if there have been others changes in the show due to the fact that Tim is no longer employed by the school of Parsons. If you noticed, they have changed their living quarters and design and sewing room, and the first competition was different.
Bluefly.com appears to be a new sponsor, while Tres Somme and L'Oreal continue their sponsorship. Tim looks and acts the same. Heidi is beautiful and perky as always, and not pregnant, currently.
The main judges returned and are well matched to their job now more than before. They are entiwined with it now, they have found their spot in the system and they seem to enjoy it more, in my humble opinion. Throughout the seasons they have made some good points and offered useful criticism, but at times they can be hard and/or blind. There are times when what they think is hip is too far out, and what I think is stunning makes them yawn. Know what I mean? Inviting a new judge for each round is smart; it balances out the group and makes this part of the show less predicatble! Plus I like seeing and hearing from famous designers in the raw, outside of their usual environment, giving their personal opinion. I imagine it means quite a lot to the contestants too, assuming they agree with the opin offered.
BTW, if you haven't heard Seal's new CD, System
Piece to you and those you sew, design or quilt with!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Project Runway
Are you as excited as I am for the new season of Project Runway? It begins tonight!
What I like about this show is that it is honoring sewing and creativity. As quilters, we do this automatically when we tell others about the joys and challenges of quilting, when we exhibit our quilts or give one as a gift. Unless we are a Katie Pasquini-Masopust, or Caryl Bryer Fallert, or Cindy Vermillion Hamilton, we do this in our personal world, our guild, and at our quilt shows. Project Runway, on the other hand, speaks to a national audience and it was the highest rated show ever on Bravo, during last season's series.
Watching the designers work within limitations of time, materials, and colors or themes , I am reminded of quilt challenges. Some of the designers prefer to draw out their idea on paper first, while others prefer to work more spontaneously. Some of them prefer to stay within a certain "look", while others prefer to try new things and challenge themselves to push their own limits. Still sounds like quilters to me. Some designers show Tim what they are made of when they take his opinion into no account whatsoever, while others value Tim's opinion and make the most out of his opinion near the end of their design time.
This season, four of the designers are from Los Angeles: Sweet P, Simone LeBlanc, Kit Pistol, and Rami Kashou, and their ages range from 26 to 46. They all have training and come with a background in designing clothing -- some professionally; others hoping this will be their stepping stone. Simone has caught my eye, as she states that her signature style includes "historical details such as 1920s drop waists or over sized collars, 'there's a timelessness about them and an undercurrent of romanticism, but they're never frilly.' " (LA TIMES, Nov. 11, 2007, P9)
Tim Gunn is so much fun to watch in action. He is like the quilt teacher you both loved and feared and will always remember as the one who brought about a turning point in your creative life. See Tim at a book signing and read a review of his book on style: Tim Gunn, A Guide to Taste, Quality, and Style
For more about Cindy V. Hamilton's quilt making book: "Medallion Quilts, Inspiration and Patterns" Cindy's quilt is also featured on the last page of this month's Quilter's Newsletter magazine.
Katie and Caryl were on the Quilt Channel blog: blog: April 1, 2007
Katie's quilt was featured on PBS' Century of Quilts
What I like about this show is that it is honoring sewing and creativity. As quilters, we do this automatically when we tell others about the joys and challenges of quilting, when we exhibit our quilts or give one as a gift. Unless we are a Katie Pasquini-Masopust, or Caryl Bryer Fallert, or Cindy Vermillion Hamilton, we do this in our personal world, our guild, and at our quilt shows. Project Runway, on the other hand, speaks to a national audience and it was the highest rated show ever on Bravo, during last season's series.
Watching the designers work within limitations of time, materials, and colors or themes , I am reminded of quilt challenges. Some of the designers prefer to draw out their idea on paper first, while others prefer to work more spontaneously. Some of them prefer to stay within a certain "look", while others prefer to try new things and challenge themselves to push their own limits. Still sounds like quilters to me. Some designers show Tim what they are made of when they take his opinion into no account whatsoever, while others value Tim's opinion and make the most out of his opinion near the end of their design time.
This season, four of the designers are from Los Angeles: Sweet P, Simone LeBlanc, Kit Pistol, and Rami Kashou, and their ages range from 26 to 46. They all have training and come with a background in designing clothing -- some professionally; others hoping this will be their stepping stone. Simone has caught my eye, as she states that her signature style includes "historical details such as 1920s drop waists or over sized collars, 'there's a timelessness about them and an undercurrent of romanticism, but they're never frilly.' " (LA TIMES, Nov. 11, 2007, P9)
Tim Gunn is so much fun to watch in action. He is like the quilt teacher you both loved and feared and will always remember as the one who brought about a turning point in your creative life. See Tim at a book signing and read a review of his book on style: Tim Gunn, A Guide to Taste, Quality, and Style
For more about Cindy V. Hamilton's quilt making book: "Medallion Quilts, Inspiration and Patterns" Cindy's quilt is also featured on the last page of this month's Quilter's Newsletter magazine.
Katie and Caryl were on the Quilt Channel blog: blog: April 1, 2007
Katie's quilt was featured on PBS' Century of Quilts
Welcome to my new blog about quilts, anything realted to their manufacture, sewing, fabrics, creativity, and women's lives in the 18-21th centuries that included quilts or sewing. I hope to hear from anyone who visits my Web sites: New Pathways Into Quilt History or
Antique Quilt Dating Guides
We can talk about things that are too brief for a website article but are meaningful and educational nonetheless. Anything goes here if it concerns quilts and quilting -- from antique to art fabric -- of all kinds, regions, time frames, dyes, prints styles, reproduction quilt patterns and styles, or regional differences; even books about such things as reasons women made and still make quilts, from the past to the present -- remember Quilters are always making history!
Your thoughts, opinions, and quilt experiences are welcome here. I also enjoy definitions of terms, quotes of all kinds, and info about people who were important in quilt history but are little known to most of us. They may be living in your hometown or have passed over already, but what they did with quilts mattered, and we will share it here. Furnishings and period details are of great interest to me, especially the fabrics used through the various eras and styles.
When this blog can post pictures, then we will. I understand that it's not working very well right now. I am just getting started, so join in and help it grow and fill the gaps, whatever they may be, in the world of quilt history.
Thank you for visiting. You can sign up to receive notices of postings or book mark it.
Antique Quilt Dating Guides
We can talk about things that are too brief for a website article but are meaningful and educational nonetheless. Anything goes here if it concerns quilts and quilting -- from antique to art fabric -- of all kinds, regions, time frames, dyes, prints styles, reproduction quilt patterns and styles, or regional differences; even books about such things as reasons women made and still make quilts, from the past to the present -- remember Quilters are always making history!
Your thoughts, opinions, and quilt experiences are welcome here. I also enjoy definitions of terms, quotes of all kinds, and info about people who were important in quilt history but are little known to most of us. They may be living in your hometown or have passed over already, but what they did with quilts mattered, and we will share it here. Furnishings and period details are of great interest to me, especially the fabrics used through the various eras and styles.
When this blog can post pictures, then we will. I understand that it's not working very well right now. I am just getting started, so join in and help it grow and fill the gaps, whatever they may be, in the world of quilt history.
Thank you for visiting. You can sign up to receive notices of postings or book mark it.
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