Monday, August 24, 2009

Fabulous Antique Eagle Quilt Collections Now on DVD!

I want to tell you about my dear friend Susan Wildemuth's new DVD of quilts with eagles on them dating from the 19th and 20th centuries. Sue describes her DVD, Eagle Quilts – Antique, Vintage, and New this way --  "My Eagle Quilt History Study CD is a mixture of photographs and descriptions. It is part quilt exhibit – part quilt history study – part timeline of the evolution of the eagle quilt motif in the United States.”

Here is one of my favorite quilts in her collection -- (scroll down for another unusual 19th century quilt).

Eagle Head Border Eagle

Sue told me, "The reason I collect eagle quilts is because I love quilting, and the eagle motif reminds me of my dad. Dad had his own brand of magic. Like Ben Franklin, my dad read everything he could get his hands on. His intelligence did not come from college studies; Dad went to the University of life, and like many parents from my generation, got his post-graduate degree in WWII. He is “the eagle” and the reason I collect eagle quilts."

Sues CD

This will be the first in a series of Quilt History Study CDs created by Sue  The other CDs in this series are still in development. Each focuses on a one-of-a-kind quilt history topic and will be uniquely different from the others. All are carefully researched and thoroughly documented.

“Eagle Quilts – Antique, Vintage, and New” is a PowerPoint-formatted presentation of the eagle motif in U.S. quilting history.  Utilizing photographs and descriptions, the study eagle quilts DVD is $9.95 -- to order.

Sue has so much to offer you online and in print. She is an author, historian and quilting aficionado. Her research, writing and photographs have been published in national, regional and local quilt and textile history publications. Her web site Illinois Quilt History: Quilt History from the Midwest was established in 2008, and her blog Eye of the Needle: Quilt History Conversation from the Midwest followed in 2009.

Dancing Eagles